Intervju i MälarNytt!
Tacksam för trevlig intervju i MälarNytt inför kommande konserten på Ekerö kulturhus 27/2 kl 19. Läs här
Voir un ami pleurer – NEW RELEASE
New release today! ”VOIR UN AMI PLEURER – LIVE” For a long time I have admired the beautiful sculptures by Swedish sculptress Eva Larsson Whi
Camilla live 27 februari 2025
Camilla firar releasen av nya franska singlar med konsert i Erskinesalen på Ekerö den 27 februari 2025 kl 19. ”Camilla Ringquist tar oss med på en promenad längs boulevar
Avec le temps – NEW RELEASE
It feels strange with a new release on a dark day like this – when so many people lost their lives in a shooting at a school in Sweden yesterday February 4. At least this son
New live videos!
Connected with the new single releases there will also be new live videos premiered on my Youtube channel. The first one is now live. ”O, vad blev alla vänner av?” (Fe
3 new singles
During the coming month (January and February) Camilla will be releasing a new single every two weeks up until the concert of ”Sous le ciel de Paris” at Erskinesalen, E