”Vilken fantastisk, helgjuten, föreställning” ”Det var som att förflyttas till en annan värld…”
Publikens recensioner Premiär "Franska Rummet" Olympiateatern, Stockholm 23 och 24 september 2022
Ljudbok Cure
"Älskar denna bok. Finstämd med sin följsamma musik" "Fängslande bladvändare" "Fin inläsning med väl avstämd musik" "Fantastisk ljudbok" "Gripande, vackert berättad" "Mycket bra iscensatt och jättebra inläst! Jag njöt av varenda minut." "Jätteintressant och engagerande om en kvinna jag inte visste så mycket om! Fantastiskt vacker musik och fin helhet" "5 *****"
Lyssnarnas egna recensioner Storytel/Nextory
From ABBA to Monica Z
"Camilla Ringquist är en av dessa okända hjältinnor som, trött på att få höra av svenska skivbolag att hennes musik var svår att lansera, tog saken i egna händer. "Embrace of Green" är albumet där Ringquist verkligen blommar ut. Jag associerar osökt till den vackra men tragiska Merchant-Ivory-filmen "Återstoden av dagen". Joni Mitchells legendariska "Blue" från 1971 kan anas där i kulisserna, liksom Jeff Buckleys alltmer klassiska debut "Grace"... balansen mellan klokt reflekterande och passion". (Boken gavs ut 2016 och bland dessa 377 utvalda svenska album 1956-2016 finns "Embrace of Green")
Anders Lundquist Musikjournalist
The story of Camille Claudel
"A fascinating life story. Camilla Ringquist narrates with great emotion a life about lust, longing, passion and disappointments. The character of Camille Claudel is musically portrayed by pianist Cecilia Löfstrand, who has selected music by contemporary composers, such as Camilles friend Debussy..."
Gunilla Edström Enköpings-Posten
Mon Amour Bleu
"Here you'll find an expression of "joie de vivre" - joy of life - as well as doors opening to darker rooms..."
LT Östersund
Mon Amour Bleu
"...she has a little bit Édith Piaf in her voice..."
Bengt Eriksson Ystads Allehanda
Cercle Suédois in Paris
”What a feeling, what a devotion! Totally outstanding!”
Helena Brag Ordförande Svenska Klubben i Paris
Swan Bar Paris
"...what a night! Camilla sings with a tremendous passion and challenges herself by performing songs of French legends - in Paris, you could almost believe you were witnessing Èdith Piaf singing".
Ann-Sofie Cleverstam Ordförande SWEA Paris
”Here we have a new Edith Piaf!”
Sune Säll Tranåsposten
Forum theatre in Köping
"Camilla sings French chanson in a way that is rarely emotional... When she had performed Édith Piaf´s ”Je ne regrette rien” with full power, the response from the audience was tremendous... It was very strong”.
Lennye Osbeck Circle Suédois, Paris
Album review "La Brodeuse"
”... The style feels a little old fashioned and nostalgic... It´s brave to release a CD in French in Sweden 2010. I really wish Camilla Ringquist good luck. Yes, it´s also very good. Très bien”.
Album review "La Brodeuse"
"…classic French songs with a Scandinavian touch… Camilla Ringquist’s LA BRODEUSE is a beautiful homage to the great classic French songwriters Piaf, Brel and Barbara. The album also includes 3 originals in the same spirit written by Camilla. Wonderful arrangements and vocals that have captured the pathos and beauty of French chanson, all beautifully recorded with string quartet, piano, accordeon, double bass and clarinet. Special acknowledgement has to be given to Emeli Jeremias, Lars Ekman and Ola Johansson for the inventive and excellent arrangements. This album is a joy to listen to; introspective, moving and impassioned; the perfect complement to a quiet Sunday morning or a romantic night by the fire. Camilla has captured the spirit of these writers and their songs in an extraordinary way. I usually am able to pick a few outstanding tracks for these features, but with this CD, every track and every song is outstanding. One highlight that deserves mentioning is the instrumental song, Pour M, written by Camilla and Emeli Jeremias. I don’t understand French at all but I can say that listening to this album was an emotional experience. I can only hope that Camilla’s next project will be some of the classic songs from the American musical theater or the wonderful Bossa-Nova music of Brazil… now that would make a perfect trilogy… Don’t miss this album! The music speaks a universal language."
Brian Hobbs Eidolon Productions AB
Album review "La Brodeuse"
”... Like an old beautiful postcard from a dear old friend. Lost - and found again”.
Claes Olson Musikindustrin
Boulevardteatern "La Brodeuse"
”The evening was both exciting and touching... Camilla´s expressivevoice spellbound the audience and her musicians were impressive... Her humoristic and interesting story added something special to the concert - great quality which gave you a taste for more”.
Janicke Henrikson (frilansjournalist)
Concert at Forum theatre Köping
"...This was one of the best concerts I´ve ever been to - and you who did not attend, really missed a unique performance..."
Krister Svartström Live Forumteatern i Köping
Album review "Embrace of Green"
"Oh, I like this! Camilla Ringquist has a very special voice and she writes very different and powerful songs... The music style is chanson, folkmusic, classical - but it´s difficult to put into a certain genre. You could say it is very personal. I advice you to check it out".
Album review "Embrace of Green"
"Camilla Ringquist is a singer with a rare and romantic vibrato... her style puts to mind the time around French La Belle époque..."
M-MAGASIN "Smultronstället" lottar ut 5 plattor
Album review "Embrace of Green"
"It´s not very often that you will meet such a clear connection between the music and the album cover. But on Camilla Ringquists latest album "Embrace of Green", the cover will give you a feeling how the music willl sound: very romantic. Furthermore Camillas voice fits very well into the surroundings. Sensitive but very powerful.."
Album review "Embrace of Green"
"On her two previous albums Camilla Ringquist has presented induvidually composed and arranged music, which has brought to mind artists such as Joni Mitchell, Eva Cassidy and Kate Bush. Those references are still valid - but on her third album it is not just a string quartet that will place the music closer to the classical chanson-tradition. The musical tone is also, throughout the album, more strict and more elegant than before".
Album review "Embrace of Green"
"If you like musical and cabaret, this is an album for you. You will not find wellknown musical favorites - but "the feeling". Camilla Ringquist has written a string of musical pearls and perform them with heartfelt singing and lyrics. Some people compare her with Joni Mitchell and KateBush, and I can agree musically, but her voice is closer to Barbra Streisand and Elaine Page. A great voice together with sensitive arrangements - a perfect background to the autumn reading in your favourite chair."
Album review "Embrace of Green"
"Introspective, intelligent singer-songwriter music with a theatrical flavor and a touch of Paris. Embrace of green is Camilla's third solo album. I think at heart, Camilla is a storyteller. Her lyrics pull you into the scenes she sets with her music. This collection works on many levels; the orchestration is timeless, most often a string quartet with acoustic guitars or piano. Sometimes I felt the album sounded like an art song cycle from a century ago, sometimes like a forgotten musical score, and sometimes like a modern singer-songwriter album. Her melodies, piano playing and singing are excellent, but for me, they are the supporting actors on this album. Her playing is impeccable and totally right for her songs, and as a singer she conveys the songs with passion and honesty but the star is her lyrics, which are haunting and take the common themes of love and give them a new twist. And I have to mention her beautiful postcard of the City of Lights, the song, Paris. If you've never been to Paris, listening to this is as close as you'll get without actually being there. I also like the fact that Camilla is not afraid to put a little drama into her music. Just when you think. "oh, another slow ballad" she infuses it with something that grabs your interest. I would love to hear a stage musical written by this lady. Outstanding songs: Clouded mind, Embrace of green, Queen of hearts, Paris, Heart and Time".
Brian Hobbs Eidolon Music
Album review "For Venus" (Germany)
German reviews
Album review "For Venus" (Germany)
"Während in ihrer schwedischen Heimat bereits das neue Album „Love And Poetry“ (11/2005) auf dem Markt ist, erscheint in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz mit „For Venus” erst jetzt das drei Jahre alte Debüt der Multiinstrumentalistin, Songschreiberin und Label-Cheffin Camilla Ringquist. Später soll das Album auch in Polen, Portugal, Frankreich und in den Beneluxstaaten herauskommen. Die nebenbei als Gesangslehrerin tätige Musikerin erhielt für beide Alben großes Kritikerlob. Die Werke bewegen sich in relativ ruhigen Gefilden, die man als eine Mischung aus Jazz und Folk bezeichnen könnte. Bisweilen erinnert Camilla Ringquist von ihrer Art an das Schaffen einer Kate Bush. Sie hat eine sehr wandlungsfähige Stimme und legt großen Wert auf eine organische Instrumentierung. So gibt es neben zwölfseitiger Gitarre und Piano – beides von Camilla gespielt – auch Celli, Flügelhorn, Tabla und Kontrabass zu hören. Im Studio halfen dabei u.a. Elise Einarsdotter, Anders Berglund, Magnus Öström und Camillas Sohn Elias aus, der auch für die Abmischung zuständig war. Die Stimmung der elf Stücke auf „For Venus” reicht von melancholisch über düster bis hin zu beschwingter Leichtigkeit. Das Album richtet sich dabei eher an Jazzfreunde, als an Pop- oder Folkliebhaber. Denn die Songstrukturen sind mitunter recht kompliziert und der Klang etwas zu spartanisch. Sicher kein schlechtes Album, aber eines mit sehr eingeschränkter Zielgruppe." Anspieltipps: Hidden Holiday Rare diamond
Matthias Reichel CDSTARTS.DE
Album review "For Venus" (Germany)
"Camilla Ringquist ist eine schwedische Songwriterin, deren Tonträger man hierzulande ohne weiteres in der Jazz-Abteilung finden wird. Zwar macht Camilla eine Musik, die sich dem direkten Genredenken entzieht, aber ihre subtile Mischung von atmosphärischen Songs, die mit Elementen aus Folk, Pop und eben Jazz spielen, ist deutlich zu eklektisch, um im Pop-Regal landen zu können. Will meinen: Camillas Musik ist irgendwo auch anspruchsvoll. Der federleichte Vortrag erinnert dabei - besonders stimmlich - an ihre Kollegin Julia Fordham, weist indes weniger mainstreamige, dafür aber verspieltere und vielseitigere Arrangements auf. Camilla sagt, ihr Album vermittele eine Ahnung vom skandinavischen Licht auf der einen Seite und der Melancholie und Düsternis auf der anderen. Wie man das auch sehen mag: Der organische Sound und die impressionistische Herangehensweise vermitteln durchaus eine gewisse Naturbezogenheit in der Aussage. Wer Musik wie diese mag, die offensichtlich nur von Frauen gemacht wird, der wird auch die Scheibe von Camilla Ringquist lieben. Für Freunde deutlich songorientierten Materials dürfte dieses eher lautmalerische Werk indes weniger zu empfehlen sein." Ullrich Maurer
Release concert "Love and Poetry" Södra Teatern
"When Camilla Ringquist reaches out with her message, it’s not about love in the usual, narrow sense. In it’s essence, it’s about energy and life flow, about being constructive and handle your resources, as well as others’, carefully. Showing respect. Camilla Ringquist is as far from blasphemy as is imaginable. She travels in the labyrinth of life, listening, keeping her eyes wide open, receptive to what she sees and hears. It’s not rose-tinted. ”Between happiness and pain” is the name of one of her songs. Intuitive and consciously, she builds complex and original sound pictures, using the line-up of piano, electric guitar, double bass and drums – this night with the addition of vibraphone, cello and accordion. She plays piano and 12-string guitar. You might as well forget genres, because she moves in several fields. It’s jazz, rock, tango… the arrangements are exquisite and thought-out in detail. It is so original that I feel challenged to find references and soul mates. Joni Mitchell? Kate Bush? When Camilla Ringquist´s voice is at its biggest, it reminds me of how punk artist Nina Hagen sounded like a opera singer at Göta Lejon in 1980. Camilla Rinquist has a wide vocal range and her vocals shift and goes through continious change due to the lyrical content. The interaction between her and the musicians form a natural melting pot where everything is clear and falls into place. She has the audience on her side, and it isn’t small, even if she is not among the most well-known of artists. When the time comes for a possible encore, there is no doubt among the audience. The result is Holiday, a hit-oriented song.”Love is like a holiday” – the words capture Camilla Ringquist’s life philosophy, in the meeting of what’s imagined and what’s real. She is a realist and utopist in one".
Ingrid Strömdahl SvD
Radio review "Love and Poetry"
”…Camilla isn’t a rough diamond at all…but an incredibly polished and established singer and songwriter. The album is wonderful throughout, well-produced and beautifully played. She has only really good musicians with her and her music lives at the borders between jazz, singer/songwriter and pop. She has a voice that she uses with total control, without getting boring…a fantastic singer with an exciting voice that goes from darkly whispered to glittering purity. It feels good to listen to a singer with such great musicality. She writes lyrics about everything between heaven and earth, about love, despair and faith in the magic in life. Camilla Ringquist definitely has a sound of her own. But I think of several other artists when I hear her music, her way of singing and using all ranges of her voice is reminiscent of Joni Mitchell’s, while her melodies and the sound of several songs reminds me of Tori Amos. In addition to that, the arrangements, where accordion and violin often get a lot of space, give the music a cabaret-like feel. But, as I said, it’s hard to place in a genre…it’s enough to say that it’s a very good album…”
Ida Olsson
Album review "Love and Poetry"
"With her self-made album Love and Poetry – co-produced with Lasse Englund – singer and composer Camilla Ringquist has included so many musical directions that it’s almost impossible to place the music with genres. The music creates its own universe. Jazz, pop, folk music, classical influences and not before heard sounds. Carefully, her sensual compositions tread along exciting tracks where the ones who choose the middle of the road never go. The result is very individual and deserves a lot more attention than will, unfortunately, probably be the case".
Album review "Love and Poetry"
"Love and Poetry" is the perfect title for an album that really simmers with both love and poetry, warm jazz tones and good-hearted rock romance. The music is ever-changing; dramatic one minute, graceful and intimate the next. With her straight and honest lyrics, Carmilla Ringquist manages to get close. Without shyness or shame she challenges the listener¹s integrity, crossing magic borders in the process. The music is characterized by an erotic, "red", feel but never becomes vulgar. Only passionate. There are quite a few references. As if Joni Mitchell, nancy Sinatra, Eva Cassidy and Norah Jones would meet at a smoky jazz club in Paris to do a brief gig together and then disapperar into the seductive night. A certain sentimental vibe in the listener is demanded to do the album justice. On the other hand, you have to be emotionally cold not to be moved.
Gabriella Fäldt Musiktidningen GROOVE
Debaser concert
"...excursions in a serious singer/songwriter tradition with a touch of Joni Mitchell and Tori Amos..."
Dan Backman SvD
Smedjan, Köping
"...This Saturday night the theatre is furnished with café tables, but what comes out from behind the stage is not anything like a sweet bisquit to go with your coffee. The blood red color of the theatre´s backdrop tells you more about this naked and expressive voice surrounded by whispering drums, double bass and electric guitar. The singer, Camilla Ringquist, switches between acoustic guitar and keyboard. The lyrics are in English, and some of the songs are from her new album "For Venus", which is distributed through the singers own label. The music borders on blues and jazz, but sometimes Camilla´s dramatic voice also brings cabaret to mind..."
MAGNUS GUSTAFSON Circle Suédois, Paris
Album review "For Venus"
"She is a tiny tiger, Camilla Ringquist, being a combination of sensitivity and strength. Her solid foundation is her skill as lyrical poet, singer, guitarist and arranger, with a personal style and such sources of inspiration as Joni Mitchell and Carol King. She weaves together soft rock and jazz to a formidable entity that feels timely. When she performed at (The old Royal Theatre) Confidencen in the spring, her three guitars were standing in a row on the stage like exclamation marks, along with a grand piano, contrabass, cello and drums-visually symbolizing unique orchestration. The jazz pianist Elise Einarsdotter is a linchpin in her band of musicians. She is a singer/songwriter of great dimensions. Several songs on her CD are of hit quality, for instance "Holiday", archetypal yet special. Her deeply felt lyrics and attitude bring to mind Europeans such as a contemplative and compassionate Sting or an intensive Jacques Brel. Her dedication is one hundred percent, or one might say she is passionate, but never banal or pompous. Her whole (performance) is clean, tight and balanced".
Ingrid Strömdahl SvD